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Monday, October 28, 2013

ISTQB Advance Level Test Manager Certification - Free Sample Questions

We have complied 100+ questions which will help you in testing your preparation for ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager Certification. 10 Sample questions are as below, For complete set of questions and answer material leave a comment with your email id.

Q. 1: What is domain knowledge?

A. Understanding the business problem the system solves
B. Understanding the technology that underlies the system.
C. Understanding the essential of software testing
D. Understanding organizational politics

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Difference between Error,fault, failure, bug and defect


- a discrepancy between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition;
- a quality problem discovered by software engineers (or others) before the software is released to the end-user (or to another activity in the software process)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Matching Patterns in Selenium

Patterns are one of the frequently used parameters by Selenese commands. Patterns allow you to describe what text you are looking for, by using special characters rather than mentioning the exact text. Some of the commands which use patterns very frequently are
·         verifyTextPresent
·         verifyTitle
·         verifyAlert
·         assertConfirmation
·         verifyPrompt
·         verifyText

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

verifyTextPresent, verifyElementPresent and verifyText Commands

“verifyTextPresent” command is used to verify that the Text is present somewhere on the webpage. It only takes one argument i.e. the text pattern to be verified.
Welcome to my Blog

Assertion or Verification?

To “assert” or to “verify” is a decision that a tester has to take depending on the strategy followed for testing.  There is no point in checking the text on the page if the page itself has not loaded successfully. If you are not on the expected page, you may want to abort the test and look for a root cause and fix the issue promptly. Or, you may want to run through the test suite and list all the issues on the page and then fix them all together. Effectively, an “assert” will fail the test and abort the current test case, whereas a “verify” will fail the test and continue to run the test case.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Test Your Knowlwdge of Selenium IDE - QUIZ

Working with Pop-up windows in Selenium IDE - Day 5

New windows which open from a link within a website move the actual focus from the frame you are recoding, so it is very important to move back to original website and continue recording.

Let us take an example of a website which has an embedded link, opening a new website.

Working with radio Buttons & Lists in Selenium IDE - Day 4

In this post I will discuss

1.       Example to click & verify clicked Radio Button
2.       Example to check multiple items in a list, verify if they are checked.
3.       To extract the count of items in a list

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuning SQL Queries

1.    Optimizers
Oracle optimizes the statement after validating the syntax and verifying the objects.
There are two types of optimizers
a)    Rule Based Optimizer
b)    Cost based optimizer

Creation of Concurrent Program in Oracle apps

Define a Concurrent Program Executable:

Navigation: System Administrator => Concurrent => Executable

 Figure 1: Executable form navigation

How to Locate Web Elements in an HTML Document in Selenium IDE - Day 3

How to Locate Web Elements in an HTML Document – Selenium IDE

There are basically 5 ways to locate web elements in an HTML Page. You can select the web elements which you believe are unique and won’t get affected by changed in the code. Below are the methods you can use:

1.       By ID
2.       By Name
3.       By Link
4.       By XPATH
5.       By CSS

Let’s discuss these one by one in detail

Load Runner Parameterization

Load Runner Parameterization

What is parameterization?

VuGen generates a Vuser script composed of functions when a business activity is recorded. Parameterization is used to replace the hard coded in the Vuser script obtained while recording, with parameters by which the repeated use of same values can be avoided. Parameterization is generally done to test with multiple set of data or records. A parameter replaces a literal value in the script .It provides the ability to test the script with different values and also reduces the size of the script.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sample Questions - HP Loadrunner Certification HPO-M19 - Part 2

Q. 11: For debugging purposes, you would like to show a browser during replay. Where do you enable this option?

A. General options
B. Playback options
C. Run-time settings
D. Recording options

Sample Questions - HP Loadrunner Certification HPO-M19 - Part 1

Friends, I have complied a  set of sample questions to test your skills before you appear for the HP0-M19 certification Exam.(Answers in Separate Post)

Q. 1: What is the output of the following code snippet?
int i = 10;
lr_output_message (answer is: %d --i);

Scripting Using Load Runner 8.1 Click And Script Protocol

1        Introduction:

The Web Click and Script protocol was introduced in VuGen 8.1. The major advantage of the Web Click and Script protocol is that it supports client side JavaScript during replay.  As a result, the need for correlation is reduced and hence scripting time is reduced .It introduces a GUI-level scripting API, and an extremely quick way to generate load testing scripts.

·         With Web (Click and Script) one will save scripting time. As it eliminates the need for correlation.
·          New API functions describe user actions on Web objects (button, text link etc.).
·          In tree view, the steps are grouped according to their pages.
·         Can create a Business Process Report (Microsoft Word format) summarizing the VuGen script.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Creating First Selenium Script - Day 2

The below steps will help you record your first script in Selenium:

1.       To Record a Web activity, you need to first open the Selenium IDE and start recording (By Default, when you start, Recording is automatically on)

Introduction & Installing Selenium - Day 1

Selenium is one of the most powerful open source browser automation tool available in the market to the date. Selenium is not a single tool but a suite of tools which actually evolved with time.

The Selenium tool suite comprises of

1.       Selenium IDE : A Firefox Plug-in to record and play tests (Other platforms are not supported as of now)
2.       Selenium Remote Control : Allows exporting of test suites across different OS/platforms
3.       Selenium Grid: Allows control to many Selenium Machines.

Overview to Auditing - Oracle

Overview: Auditing is recording and monitoring of database action of user /schema.
It is used for:
1.    Gather or monitor statistics about database activities. E.g. how many users are connected to the database, tables being updated or count of logical IO being performed?
2.    Investigating apprehensive activities. e.g. any unauthorized user s deleting or updating data from tables.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Operational Acceptance Testing

There are several types of Operational Test Activities that may be considered for a testing purpose, but the most important ones are as i have discussed below. These are discussed and defined from my own experience of work:

Downloading & Installation Apache Jmeter for Windows

Downloading and Installing Jmeter is very simple and can be accomplished by simply following simple steps. However before that, please make sure your system is capable of hosting Apache Jmeter Software.

Non Functional Testing - Overview


It is testing of "how" the system works. Non functional testing may be performed at all test levels. The term non-functional testing describes the tests required to measure characteristics of systems and software that can be quantified on a varying scale, such as response times for performance testing.

Recover your Lost / Corrupted Images from SD Card

I just came back from a 10 day holiday to the best destination in the world, Switzerland & Paris; and as a keen lover, I took loads of pictures of my lovely wife and this part of world. However, things do take bad turn and as soon as I connected my SD card to my laptop to copy the memories, I found some junk files in the card and almost instantly my 1200 approx images were reduced to 500. I was in real shock, and frustrated by thinking of the fact , What Next?

Change password of user on a Remote desktop Machine

Today , I met with a situation where the password on one of the remote systems i work on was going to expire and needs to be reset. Initially I thought CTRL + ALT + DEL would do the trick , but the action happened for my local machine. Then i found that the trick is :