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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Triggers in Oracle 11g -> Execution Order in Oracle 11g

Before Oracle 11g, more than trigger can be created on one table but Oracle doesn't guarantee the order of execution of trigger.  Oracle has introduced the feature in Oracle 11g to execute the trigger in any order as per requirements.

Let’s look the example:

Monday, June 15, 2015

Virtual Column in Oracle

Oracle has introduced new feature in version 11 ie. Virtual column. Virtual column values are not stored on disk. They are generated at runtime using their associated expression.

Lets have a look how to create a table with Virtual Column 

CREATE TABLE testvirtual
   id1   NUMBER (10)
 , id2   NUMBER (10)
 , id3   NUMBER (10) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (id1 + id2) VIRTUAL
Virtual keyword is optional.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Table Compression in Oracle 11g

Table compression was first introduced in Oracle 9i as a space saver feature only for data warehousing projects. In oracle 11g , this is acceptable as mainstream feature which is acceptable for OLTP Databases. This will result in saving storage space as this will compress the table, increased I/O performance and reduced memory use in the buffer cache. Definitely, this incurs CPU overhead because of compression.

Compression can be done at the tablespace, table or partition level . Options/Features which are available with Compression :

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Regular Expression In Oracle

            A regular expression is a string or set of characters that describes the structure of some text .This expression helps to search a particular pattern on the line. It is composed of Literals and Metacharacters.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Drop columns from table in fastest way

Columns in the oracle table can have more than 1000 rows of data. If the user asked to drop such columns from the table, dropping the same will take significant amount of time.

By using “Set Unused Column”, it is possible to reduce the significant amount of time while dropping the column from the table.

The syntax used to drop the column from the table is:

Alter table Table Name drop column Column Name;

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

ORA-32332: Resolution

ORA-32332: Resolution

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-32332: cannot refresh materialized view "Materialized View Name"
as type evolution has occured


1)      Check if the materialized view is valid .
SELECT * from dba_objects where object_name =<view_name>

2)      Check if underneath compoennts are valid
3)      If Underneath all tables are there, check if any field has been added to the same.

If yes, get a complete refresh for materialized view.

In my case, one of the underneath view was invalid.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

How to Use SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH in Oracle



SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH is a function which is used in hierarchical queries to get the path for the current node starting from Parent node.
FROM table_name
START WITH <root_node>
CONNECt BY NOCYCLE PRIOR < child_node_col> = <Parent_node>

How to replace Special Characters in Oracle

How to replace Special Characters in Oracle

Use regexp_replace (column_name,'[]~!@#$%^&*|?]', NULL ) to replace Special character .

Friday, April 17, 2015

New Blog for Selenium Automation


Please refer to below blog for any assistance required in Selenium Automation. Infact, you can Request the topic you want me to write about and i would be more than happy to add a blog on the same.

Happy Learning
The Software Professionals.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How to convert single column to multiple rows in Oracle

Example 1 ->  Take the below Example :

CREATE TABLE config_value
   Config_id    VARCHAR2(40)
 , config_code    VARCHAR2(100)

How to use 'Case' statement in Oracle

Case Statement
CASE [ expression ]

   WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1
   WHEN condition_2 THEN result_2
   WHEN condition_n THEN result_n

   ELSE result

Let’s take few scenarios to Implement Case Statement: